The Excitement Continues!

The Excitement Continues!

The Excitement Continues at Louisiana’s 1st Choice Auto Auction! We had just a moment to bask in the glow of our successful, exciting Tailgate Event and “Go Long with ARI” promotion before planning in earnest for our annual October Charity Golf Tournament and Breast...

Spring has Sprung!

Spring has Sprung!And with it the tax season is winding down. At Louisiana’s 1st Choice Auto Auction we have experienced a robust tax season with higher sales percentages and buyers. Our 1st quarter promotional event, our Rockin’ Mardi Gras sale and dealer...

The Market is adjusting…

The cooler weather is approaching (we hope) and we are in full swing with the market adjustment that occurs this time of year. Are you ready to adapt to the market changes? We are in business to make money (our fees) just like our dealers are in business to make money...

Merry Christmas!

The holidays are upon us and next week we will host our annual John Dough Christmas sale and gift auction. 1000 vehicles will cross the blocks on December 15th and after the sale we will auction $25,000 in great prizes just in time for Christmas. You’ll bid on these...

Summer Fun

In case you hadn’t noticed, there’s a lot of activity this summer at Louisiana’s 1st Choice Auto Auction. We continue our facility improvements with a completed paving project adding more consignment parking for 800-1200 vehicles and an expanded transport lot....